Such a thoughtful piece, Ben. I loved this question that you posed: "Is there a way to start asking why society creates so much mental distress in the first place?" I spend a fair amount of time reflecting on this, thinking about engrained business models that incentivize poor mental health. (In 2022 I wrote a post about news media, a great example of just such a business model: https://beautifulvoyager.substack.com/p/if-i-could-tell-the-world-one-thing. ) In a time of silos, holistic thinking feels like the only path forward. Thank you for giving it a voice in this space. We need more yous!

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Oh, love this! Thank you for sharing. I obviously need to do a better job integrating brilliant work like this into these pieces.

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Thank you for reading it Ben! I think people it is socially unacceptable to question certain things -- like news consumption -- but at this stage of the game I am not going to let that stop me from trying to articulate what I see happening!

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"Modern economic structures prioritize efficiency, productivity, and profit at the expense of human well-being." Because economics is based around mathematical and scientific calculations which completely ignore the fact that they are dealing with human lives and not objective numbers.

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Thanks for this thoughtful piece. I've been in some frustrating conversations lately with advocates--zealous, committed, good faith advocates for better access to mental health care--who insist that a more holistic approach is "mission creep."

The scarcity mindset is entrenched. We need more "yes, and."

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Absolutely. I couldn't agree more. If the "mission" was working, we'd have better data to show that continuing to investments was the right thing. But sadly, a lot of what we fund and do just doesn't work. So perhaps they need to have mission creep that brings them closer to a mission that works for the people they are serving. Sounds harsh, but without being a bit pushy on this point, we have a tendency to simply maintain status quo and hope it works better then next time.

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I always ask "is the goal better mental health or more mental health care?"

In fairness to a lot of folks, creating more access to care is concrete and mechanically understandable; I'd love to get with some like minded folks to work on an actionable framework for the more holistic vision.

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Thanks, Ben!

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