Thank you for helping me think of ways I can help others be able to sleep more and better! I feel like our “always available“ work culture also must change for everyone’s health. For myself I know I have to sleep or everything else goes haywire. I don’t take it for granted at all.

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Dr. Miller sleep, mental health, and sleep empathy just jumped into my world with both feet splashing knowledge, insight, and personal reflection all over my new health fetish, better sleep. Of course I will basically recap your brilliant zzzz post here.

Trying to solve my sleep conundrum or better said responding to all the data about how sleep and the lack there of can harm our mental and physical health has become my personal quest and clinical trial. What I've learned which mimics what you've shared.

Donna hated me because back in the day I could fall asleep faster than you can say Jimmy Cricket. I'd sleep until the dawn which, depending on the time I fell out would be x number of hours. Waking at the same time every day and unable to sleep in was a bit of an issue. I think it was dad and his military training getting up for morning drills. Early to bed early to rise stuff.

Sleeping alone after Donna's death became a bit more problematic and aging didn't help. Interrupted patterns of age, arrgh. Once up from mid sleep, falling back was an endless loop of trying to put the roiling thoughts at bay. A tick I learned that worked was, if you awake and were dreaming when you try to sleep again go back to the dream and pick it up from where you left off. It works at about a 74% success rate. Also, reading something on paper not digital helps.

January 2022 I moved my crisis counseling shift to 4am. Trying to crash at 10pm so I had six hours. Meh. The truth is the day is ruined when I get up at 4am. Productivity falls, creativity fails, and my mental health suffers. (Indeed all you shared is spot on). I've limited my 4am shifts to 2x a week or 3x because those in crisis are worthy of help even at the expense of my being grumpy for a day.

In the end from this personal sleep trial and as I say to those I am counseling when we talk about sleep. Sleep is a magical elixir to help us refresh, reflect, and reload. Yes sir it does. I know that when I get a fair nights sleep the day is okay. I may not be a paradigm of mental health. Even on days of feels a good nights sleep allows me to productively participate with life no matter what is going on.

I never considered donating blankets and linens thank you.

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